Issue nº 77

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Everyday stories

Everyday stories

The old lady in Copacabana
     She was standing on the sidewalk of Atlântica Avenue with a guitar and a hand-written sign that said: "Let's sing together."
     She began to play alone. Then a drunk arrived, then another old lady and they began to sing along with her. In a short time a small crowd was singing together and another small crowd played the audience, clapping hands at the end of each number.
     "Why do you do this?" I asked between songs.
     "Not to be alone," she said. "My life is very lonely, just like almost all old folk."
     I wish they all could solve their problems in this way.

The friend in Sydney
     "Sometimes we get used to what we see in the movies and end up forgetting the true story," says a friend while together we admire the port of Sydney.
     "Do you remember the most remarkable scene in "The Ten      Commandments"?
     "Of course I do! At a certain moment, Moses - played by Charlton Heston - raises his staff, the waters divide, and the Hebrew people cross the sea on foot."
     "In the Bible it is different," says my friend. "God orders Moses to "tell the children of Israel to walk." And it's only after they start walking that Moses raises his staff and the Red Sea opens up."
     "Only confidence in the path will make it reveal itself."

The lecture in Chicago
     A Chinese writer and I were getting ready to talk at a meeting of American booksellers. The extremely nervous Chinese lady said to me:
     - Speaking in public is difficult enough, just imagine having to explain your book in another language!
     I asked her to stop or else I would get nervous too, because her problem was the same as mine. Suddenly she turned to me, smiled, and said in a low voice:
     - Everything's going to be fine, don't you worry. We're not alone, look at the name of the bookstore of the lady sitting behind me.
     On the woman's name-tag was written: "The Reunited Angels Bookstore." We both managed to give an excellent presentation of our works, because the angels sent us the sign that we were waiting for.

What is truth?
     On January 30, 2001, I read the following piece of news in the Spanish newspaper "La Vanguardia".
     "What is truth? The President of the Court, Josep Maria Pijuan, had to check which of the versions of rape offered by the girl victim, 11-year-old J., was closest to reality. The lawyers attending the questioning did not believe that she would manage to avoid contradicting herself in her deposition.
     "At a certain moment the judge asked a rather philosophical question: What is truth? Is it what you imagine or what they asked you to tell?"
     The girl stopped for a minute, then she answered:
     "Truth is the bad they did to me."
     "Lawyer Jufresa, a renowned and prestigious jurist, said that was one of the most brilliant definitions she had heard in her whole career."

Issue nº77