Issue nº 27

Reflections of the Warrior of the Light

Reflections of the Warrior of the Light

Through and beyond
     A warrior of the light notices that certain moments repeat themselves.
     He often finds himself faced with the same problems and situations as before.
     He becomes depressed. He begins to think he is incapable of making progress in life, the difficult moments having returned.
     "I've already been through this", he complains to his heart.
     "It is true, you have been through it", replies the heart. "But you never went beyond it."
     The warrior then understands that the repetition of experiences have one single purpose: to teach him that he has not yet learned.
     He begins to seek out a new solution for each repeated struggle - until he finds a way of conquering.

Something out of the ordinary
     A warrior of the light always does something out of the ordinary. He may dance in the street as he walks to work. Or look into the eyes of a stranger and speak of love at first sight. From time to time, a warrior puts forward an idea which may sound ridiculous, but which he believes in.
     The warriors of the light allow themselves such days.
     He is not afraid to weep over old grievances, or to marvel at new discoveries. When he feels the time is right, he leaves everything behind and goes after the dream he has longed for. When he understands that he is at the limits of his resistance, he withdraws from the combat, without blaming himself for having committed one or two unexpected reckless acts.
     A warrior does not spend his days trying to act out the part that others have chosen for him.

The small things
     The warrior of the light pays attention to small things, because they can get in the way.
     A thorn, however small, causes the traveler to interrupt his journey. A small and invisible cell can destroy a healthy organism. The memory of an instant of fear in the past, can often cause cowardice to return each morning. A fraction of a second is enough to lower the guard for the enemy's fatal blow.
     The warrior is attentive to small things. Sometimes he is hard on himself, but he prefers to act in this way.
     "The devil resides in small things," says an old proverb of the Tradition.

Finding allies
     The warrior knows that no man is an island, isolated in the middle of the ocean.
     He knows that he cannot fight alone; whatever his plan, he will always depend on other people. He must discuss his strategy, ask for help and - during times of rest - have someone to tell stories of combat around the fire.
     But he does not allow people to mistake his camaraderie with insecurity. He is transparent in his actions, and secret in his plans.
A warrior of the light dances with his companions, but does not transfer the responsibility of his steps to anyone.

Risking more than others
     To a warrior, there is no such thing as impossible love. He does not allow himself to be intimidated by silence, or by rejection. He knows that - behind the icy mask people wear - there is a heart of fire.
     That is why the warrior risks more than others. He tirelessly seeks a person's love - even if this means hearing, many times over, the word "no", returning home defeated, feeling rejected in body and soul.
     A warrior does not allow himself to be overwhelmed in his search for his needs. Without love, he is nothing.

Accepting one's duty
     A warrior of the light is reliable. He makes some mistakes, and sometimes considers himself to be more important than he really is. But he does not lie.
     When people gather around the fire, he talks to his male and female companions. He knows that the words he utters will be kept in the memory of the Universe, as a record of what he thinks.
     And the warrior reflects: "why do I say so much, if I am often unable to do everything I say?" This is an important matter for reflection.
     The heart replies: "when you publicly defend your ideas, you will have to be strong in order to live up to them."
     It is because he thinks he is that which he says, that the warrior ends up becoming exactly that.

In difficult moments of silence in life
     The warrior knows that sometimes the combat is interrupted. It is no use forcing the struggle; one must be patient, wait for the forces to confront each other once again.
     In the silence of the battlefield, listen to your heartbeat. Note how tense it is. That it is afraid.
     The warrior takes inventory of his life: he sees that the sword is sharp, the heart satisfied, and faith fires his soul. He knows that maintenance is just as important as action.
     There is always something missing. The warrior makes the most of moments in which time slows down, to better equip himself.

When evil appears
     Sometimes evil pursues the warrior. So, he calmly invites it into his tent.
     The warrior asks evil: "do you want to injure me, or use me to wound others?"
     Evil pretends not to hear. It says it knows the warrior's soul inside out. It touches unhealed wounds, and calls for revenge. It reminds him that it knows many subtle tricks and poisons, which will help the warrior destroy his enemies.
     The warrior of the light listens. If evil becomes distracted, he makes it talk some more, asking for details of all of its projects.
     After listening to everything, he stands and leaves. Evil has spoken so much, is so tired and so empty, that it hasn't the strength to follow him.
     A warrior must pay attention to evil, if he wishes to do Good.

Issue nº27