Issue nº 22
Reflections of the Warrior of the Light
The right measure
The warrior of the light knows how
to recognize an enemy who is stronger.
If he decides to confront him, he
will immediately be destroyed. If he accepts his provocations, he
will fall into the trap.
So he uses diplomacy to overcome the
difficult situation in which he finds himself. When the enemy acts
like a baby, he does the same. When he calls him to combat, he pretends
not to understand.
His friends comment: "he is a
But the warrior pays no attention
to the comment; he knows that all the anger and courage of a bird
are of no use in a confrontation with a cat.
In situations such as this, the warrior
is patient. He knows the enemy will soon depart and provoke others.
The right time
A warrior of the light is never rushed.
Time works in his favor; he learns to dominate impatience, and avoid
unplanned actions.
Walking slowly, he notes the firmness
of his steps. He knows that he takes part in a decisive moment in
the history of humanity, and must change himself before changing
the world. This is why he recalls the words of Lanza del Vasto:
"a revolution takes time to take hold".
A warrior of the light never picks
fruit before it is ripe.
The right speed
A warrior of the light needs patience
and speed at the same time. The two greatest faults of a strategy
are: acting too soon, or allowing an opportunity to slip too far
In order to avoid this, the warrior
deals with each situation as if it were unique, and does not apply
formulas, paradigms or the opinions of others.
Caliph Moauiyat once asked Omr Ben
Al-Aas what was the secret of his great political skills:
"I never became involved in anything,
without first studying a retreat; conversely, I have never embarked
on something and wanted to abandon it immediately," was his
The right tolerance
A warrior of the light always keeps
his heart clean of feelings of hatred. When he goes to fight, he
always remembers Christ's words: "love your enemies".
And the warrior obeys.
But he knows that the act of forgiving
foes does not force him to accept everything. A warrior cannot lower
his head - otherwise he loses sight of the horizon of his dreams.
The warrior notes that the adversaries
are there to test his strength, his persistence, his ability to
make decisions. They are a blessing - because it is they force him
to fight for his dreams.
It is the experience of combat which
strengthens the warrior of the light.
The right understanding
The warrior of the light knows the
importance of his intuition.
In the middle of the battle, he has
no time to think about the enemy's blows - so he uses his instinct
and obeys his angel.
In times of peace, he deciphers the
signs which God sends him.
People say: "he is mad".
Or: "he lives in a fantasy world."
Or even: "how can anyone rely
on things which have no logic?"
But the warrior knows that intuition
is God's alphabet, and continues to listen to the wind and talk
to the stars.
The right choice
"Yes," the warrior hears
someone say, "I must understand everything, before taking a
decision. I want the freedom to change my mind."
The warrior considers this sentence
and questions it. He may have the same freedom, but this does not
prevent him from fulfilling some duty, even if he does not understand
exactly why he does so.
A warrior of the light takes decisions.
His soul is as free as the clouds in the sky, but he has a duty
to his dream. On his freely chosen path, he must awake at times
he dislikes, speak to people who bring him nothing, and make some
Friends comment: "you are forever
sacrificing. You are not free."
The warrior is free. But he knows
that an open oven does not bake bread.
The right renouncement
"In any activity, it is important
to know what to expect, the means of obtaining the objective, and
our capability for the proposed task.
"Only he who, thus equipped,
feels no desire for the results of the conquest, and remains absorbed
in the combat, can truly say he has renounced the fruit.
"One can renounce the fruit,
but that renouncement does not mean indifference to the result."
The warrior of the light listens respectfully
to Ghandi's strategy. And is not distracted by people who, incapable
of achieving any result, are forever preaching renouncement.
Fighting the one you love
The warrior of the light sometimes
fights the one he loves.
He has learned that silence means
the absolute balance of the body, spirit and soul. The man who preserves
his unity will never be dominated by the storms of existence; he
has the strength to overcome the difficulties and move forwards.
However, he often feels challenged
by those whom he teaches the sword. His disciples call him to combat.
And the warrior shows his capability:
with a few blows, he throws down the students' weapons, and the
harmony returns to the place where they are gathered.
"Why do that, if you are so superior?",
asks a traveler.
"Because, in this way, I keep
open a dialogue," answers the warrior.
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