Issue nº 20

Traveling in a different way |  Story - The chess game
Reflections of the Warrior of the Light

Reflections of the Warrior of the Light

Maintaining one's concentration

     For the warrior of the light, nothing is abstract. Everything is concrete, and everything concerns him. He is not sitting in the comfort of his tent, observing what goes on in the world. The warrior of the light accepts each challenge as an opportunity to transform himself.
     Some of his companions spend their lives complaining about the lack of choice, or commenting decisions which do not concern them. The warrior, however, turns thought into action.
     Sometimes he errs his objective, and pays - without complaining - the price for his mistake. At other times, he strays from the path, and loses much time returning to his original destiny.
     But a warrior is never distracted.

The qualities

     The warrior of the light has the qualities of a rock.
     When he is on flat terrain - when all around has found harmony - he remains stable. People may build houses upon that which he created, because the storm will not be destructive.
     When, however, he is placed on uneven terrain - and things around him do not show any respect or equilibrium for his work - he reveals his strength, rolling towards the enemy which threatens peace. At such times, the warrior is devastating, and no one can detain him.
     A warrior of the light thinks of war and peace at the same time, and knows how to act according to the circumstances.

Issue nº20